U-Boot collapse of the roof manufacturer
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The company slabs the U-Boot system for the ceiling
Certified BBA England
Company Profile Plate
Mr. Myrkhany and Mr. Mozaffari attended the flat-panel can be the first and only sole representative in Italy called for Dali to its beginning in 1387 (2008) with Paul Ben Water. While early with the approval of research institutions and housing activities in the construction industry, along with housing starts, led to the roof of U-Boot Qom's technology development in Iran.
Dolly formed cooperation with Italy because sanctions and exchange rate fluctuations did not continue, but with the internal development and U-Boot localization technology knowledge transfer often makes use of this technology is Iran continues to continue.
Now slab as the first supplier of U-Boot engineering company in Iran, as well as the only one with complete technical knowledge, and in thousands of square meters of administrative resumes engineers hollow-plate type of service control, consulting company and client this The country's dear students and academics.
Said Ali Ali Myrkhany
Mohamed Jawad Mozaffari
Describe the U-Boot of the ceiling
Company flat form or plate form the exclusive agent of Iran (dalform) Dolly Form (daliform) Italy is Iran in the field of the U-Boot U-Boot style of modern technology and modern systems in the construction industry of hollow board or hollow board Activity is. U-Boot's 1387 Aztayydyh and U-Boot on U-Boot (U-BOOT) and U-Boot on the roof of the Residential Research Center obtained production and sales of bridges under the Ben-Bo or Bonab Bridge under the approved new technology construction started in the same year U -Boot Structural System Concrete Roof of a new roof structure, the concrete structure is the industrial patent Mr. Ice House and recorded its flat form in the form of the Syed Ali Myrkhany appointed for the new system is lightweight roof.
The research center and the housing and housing and urban development in the roof of the statute of the Engineering Section 5 collapsed as a new technology building, made of durable polypropylene made of U-Boot U-Boot hollow block and focus on reinforced concrete ceilings Calculation method As a result of large-span roof structure system with shear wall or slab system aperture stop is designed as a rigid rigid roof panel cutting a simple frame negative skew and vibration is a long anchor Vkhyz.
U-Boot Tehran, a technical document Roof since the system was approved by Tehran because of the series U-Boot in Iran and U-Boot's first production company is the first possible U-Boot as the most Good companies respect the value of the project and partners with physicians Mr. Mier Qadri and Mr. Tahvny given the attributes, as well as research and student development - student architecture and research and development seminars to help students and tend to graduate Dr. Imran And civil engineering engineering universities in Iran's scientific conference building construction technicians can even participate.
U-Boot is what can be used to lighten the concrete ceiling board single-sided and double-sided shooting recipes his name in architecture and style and a flat roof style can be used as a roof ceiling for cheap or cheapest evidence in the absence of All roof openings are competitive with the name of the large-span board and are manufactured in Iran for the U-Boot U-Boot honor of the country yet another specific u-boot-ubot implementation or ceiling ceiling board, or executive roof U-Boot - Operation Obsolete biaxial plate Roof cobiax - Implementation of the Babylonian roof deck - Operation novel Roofs appearing - Halvkvr hollow roof tiles with running ceiling muffins waffleslab operation mode doubletee roof or ceiling prestressed implementation Abrak or Nebraska's (The emergence of the novel, the development of life group) nobon group - concrete floor Armedec - developers Del Gostaran U-Boot or Iran, Iran U-boot - Inscription - prestressed composite roofing - Behsazan - chrome - Syak ceiling or U -Boot the U-boot of Iran, Iran in the same only need a strong supervision to the final structure is satisfactory.
Construction should help to maintain a skilled architect and robust building map (building) standards that can be used.
While supporting and breaking ceiling ceilings and polystyrene foam and piles of ceilings and large span truss beams without the need for open ... and ceilings are resistant but points must be respected for the implementation and supervision of Darast.hty important Caissons are also in this technology with Drahjam's U-Boot as it will be of great help in the last few years due to the construction and the need for more parking spaces and the removal of beams and suspension and the failure to perform the trusses because of the cheaper standards The urban structure and the realization of the two systems and the roof collapse of the U-BOOT reinforced concrete hollow block with spherical permanent or prefabricated roof fall on the comparable with the waffle plate, he suffered a void biaxial plate and U-BOOT U-BOOT is good or is this the best hollow slab voided biaxial slab slab, the cheapest in different voided biaxial plates (cobiaxIran) and U-Boot to find every project that builds economic Tvjyhh building TECHNICAL DEFINITIONS - Structural or Tata's U-Boot U-boot BETON Concrete and Engineers Civil or civil engineering technicians or technicians are different.
The dalformgroup concrete frame contractor or contractor also assumes U-Boot.
Office: Unit 7, Unit 2361, Tavanir, Waliwad Street, Tehran
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English Website
Advancement of professional civil engineering and practicing of modern technologies are our main goals. With its highly qualified team of engineers, the company continues being “a breeding ground of widely successful innovations”; innovations that have considerably improved construction methods in Iran by using lightened bidirectional (U-BOOT BETON ®) slabs. |
Growing customer interest in sustainable development is driven by both increased consumer demand for responsible business management and additional regulatory requirements. We have combined our expertise in efficient water and energy solutions to help our customers save money while improving the environment and reducing overall natural resource consumption. We optimize natural resources and drive prosperity through unrivaled engineered solutions, and are always committed to creating harmony between the environment and the economy. |
We believe that the essence of structural design is the appropriate usage of material. Unnecessary weight is created by materials that are not significantly contributing to a structures stability. In this concept we offer use of U-Boot Beton technology in the design and execution process of concrete structures for buildings to achieve numerous advantages of this technology.
All of our products are environmentally friendly, we believe in the improvement of an safe and productive environment. Our goals are to conserve and protect natural resources for future generations, and to protect human health through environmental stewardship. |
Concrete estimation is in m3/m2 and rebar estimation is in Kg/m2.
In the above table estimation is maid for normal condition of soil so these estimations are totally dependent on the project soil and foundation characteristics.
These numbers don’t include the shear walls and required measurements for seismically resistance.
If the structure has below surface stories these numbers must be changed due to retaining walls.
U-Boot system is a slab-column system so it doesn’t require beams for connections and formation of frames.
Total costs can be measured by the below procedure:
Rebar usage: The rebar usage due to its application can be derived from the appendix table.
Concrete usage: The volume of concrete depends on story numbers, pillars distance and the applicant which can be derived from the appendix table.
Our services: Dalform fees is divided in to two sections:
Engineering services including calculations, design and production of structural plans based on U-Boot system. Trainings for the ceiling constructors. Our monopoly of the product and the monitoring of the implementation procedure.
Production and transportation of U-Boot elements.
Implementation and contract: Our contractors should select their certified employees freely so the contract will depend on the local costs and site conditions.
1: What is the base material for U-Boot elements? U-Boot is made of recycled and fresh polypropylene coordinated with BBA standard. 2: What are advantages of U-Boot application? Implementation of U-Boot technology in buildings has several benefits: Making a longer span - reduction of pillars, building total height and construction costs – increases the construction pace. 3: Are these systems require special utilities or specifically trained employees? Since this system is constructed as same as general slabs so it neither require special equipment nor trained workers. 4: Are the materials in these slabs have special specifications? Elements of these slabs are concrete, rebar and U-Boot. Concrete and rebar strength is allocated by structure engineer which is similar to other structural elements. 5: What are the dimensions of U-Boot pieces? U-Boot elements have a fixed dimension of 52 * 52 cm while they have alternative height. For more information please refer to our products section. 6: Is it possible to make other U-Boot elements with different materials or different dimensions? These elements are standardized by designated organizations so unfortunately it is not possible.
Our Services
Implementation of concrete structures While some employers tend to all operations conducted by a unique team, our group is ready to implement concrete structure with a single contract. These include concereting, formwork and reinforcing of all structural members (foundations, retaining walls, columns, shear walls and ceiling).
Consultation and design of structures First Phase Because most of our employers are not familiar with the design of U-Boot system we will inform our customers with the costs and implementation of this system. Final phase After the first phase our services will contain complete design and cost estimation of the project and producing its practical plans and maps accompanied with the defense in any conference.
Monitoring of ceiling construction Because U-Boot system requires an accurate supervision and some constructors may need assistance for implementation of U-Boot beton, we have prepared our engineers and staff to do the supervision and design for contractors worldwide.
Production of sustainable U-Boot molds Our company with 2 production line can produce its materials for its projects in different sizes and shapes with Italian standards. These materials are produced with high quality recycled polypropylene accompanied by required strength. Our research and development team is always redesigns and increases our products quality so after six years we have reached a peak point in our productions.
1. INCREASED NUMBER OF FLOORS Possibility to gain floors at the same building height (towers) and building volume.
3. REDUCED SLAB THICKNESS Thinner slabs but with equal loads and clearances, or bigger clearances with an equal thickness.
4. REDUCTION IN THE NUMBER OF PILLARS Facilitated use reallocation.
7. REDUCED FOUNDATIONS Less excavation.
8. LESS DEEP FOUNDATION EXCAVATION Lower costs for foundation excavations.
9. IMPROVED ACOUSTIC BEHAVIOUR Less acoustic transmittance.
Real advantages We are incorrectly led to estimate the advantage of a slab lightened with U-Boot Beton® limiting it to a mere comparison between savings in concrete and the cost of the formwork on the level of the slabs only. In this way however, as the analysis is immediate and intuitive, it does not account for the various economic, practical and operational advantages provided with U-Boot Beton® for the entire structure: less use of iron in the slabs, pillars and foundation up to a total of 15% (also in the case of variants); less concrete is used not only for the slabs but also for the columns and foundations; there are antiseismic advantages connected to reduced building weight; slimmer pillars and foundations, lower costs related to excavation for foundations; the arrangement, also irregularly if needed, of the pillars to reflect the architectural freedom of the structure. Reduction of work and overhead transfer of the formworks; advantages in on-site logistics. |
Contact US
Tehran Branch
No. 7 , 2361, Valiasr St, Tehran, IRAN
Tel: +98 (217) 772-8422 , Fax: +98 (218) 867-1757
Istanbul Branch
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Few Words About Us
Dalform Group Introduction
Dalform group with presence of Mr. Mirkhani and Eng. Mozaffari is the first and only representative of Italian Daliform in Iran which had started its activities in 2008 by the name of Bon Aab Bridges. In the early years of its activities company obtained its certificate from Iranian ministry of road and urban development and started Qom Mehr residential towers which paved the way for this technology in Iran. Under some circumstances the company started its own production of U-Boot beton so till today the application of this system is still in progress. By today Dalform group as the first presenter of U-Boot in Iran and the first company which has the complete technical knowledge present its services to engineers, contractors and scientists.
Daliform Group srl since 2009 inherited the prestigious and exclusive patrimony of knowledge and skills from Daliform srl of Pordenone, which has been characterized since 1993 by its ability to create advanced construction products in recycled products in order to finally resolve the problem of rising humidity as well as the concentration of Radon gas emerging from the subsurface. This entrepreneurial initiative was initiated in the early 90's due to a law from the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (number 44 dated 23 August 1985) that, for the first time in Italy, regulated in detail the obligation to use ventilated under-floor cavities due to the strong concentration of Radon gas in the region. In comparison to traditional implementations (low walls and hollow blocks or attic) Daliform srl proposed its own innovative and revolutionary system of IGLU’ formworks that was met with clamorous success in a short period of time. Today, Daliform Group, is a leading company in creating and manufacturing plastic products for the construction industry. With its highly qualified team of engineers, the company continues being “a breeding ground of widely successful innovations”; innovations that have considerably improved construction methods over the past two decades with particular reference to ventilated under-floor cavities (IGLU’®and ATLANTIS, lightened bidirectional (U-BOOT BETON®) and single-direction (U-BAHN BETON®) slabs to vehicle accessible lawns (PRATOPRATICO®, E.C.O. Pratopratico®, Easy Park®, Easy Ride, V-Green®). Daliform Group is always in the forefront, ready to enthusiastically take on tomorrow's challenges.